
Industrial Zone

View information about our Industrial Zone business.

The development of the Putauaki Trust industrial zone began with an industrial plan change under the direction of Whakatane District Council and Kawerau District Council in 2010. This plan change sought to address a forecast shortage of industrial land in the Eastern Bay of Plenty and to ensure land was appropriately zoned, serviced and accessible for easy development. The Plan Change resulted in approximately 110ha of rural zoned land being rezoned industrial following a long process of consultation with the BOP Regional Council, local iwi, businesses, Forest & Bird and other affected parties and numerous meetings with shareholders and the Maori Land Court. The Plan Change has arisen through the goodwill and vision of both past and present Boards of Putauaki Trust. It has culminated in the development and completion of the Waiu Dairy geothermal dairy milk plant on 4ha of the industrial zoned land and the completion of Tamaoho Drive named after the Trust's esteemed former Chairman Tamaoho Waaka Vercoe. The Trust was also successful in obtaining funding of $9.5 million from the Governments Provincial Growth Fund which has enabled the completion of Stage 2 of the industrial zone including additional necessary roading and other infrastructure such as wastewater reticulation, stormwater, energy and communication services etc to allow industrial Lots to be accessed and leased in the future to businesses with long term sustainable operations.

Tamaoho Drive
Putauaki Trust Roundabout and Anaru Drive